In addition to jewelry, investment in precious metals is not a foreign thing anymore. But the precious metal that is often used as an investment is yellow gold. Then what about precious metals or white gold?
White gold, not unlike yellow gold in general. Equally used as jewelry. However, for the value of white gold than yellow gold is quite different.
White gold and yellow gold bullion most appropriate for investment |
Different White Gold, Anything?
Formerly, nickel was a type of metal that is widely used in making white gold. However, over time, nickel began to be rarely used even abandoned as part of white jewelry making material for causing an allergic reaction for some people.Then, instead, a mixing of platinum and silver began.
White gold is a mixture of yellow gold and a mixture of some other metals that are white, such as silver and palladium. The golden silk inside the white gold itself is usually only about 18 carats, 14 carats, and the other.
Here is an example of the composition of a mixture of white gold and yellow gold, which is generally on the market:
- White gold
The manufacture of white gold usually uses a mixture of about 75% gold, which is mixed with 25% silver and platinum.
- Yellow Gold
As for the manufacture of yellow gold, usually using a mixture of 75% gold, which is mixed with 25% copper and zinc.
When conditions are new, white gold is coated with other white metal materials, such as Rodium. This is done to make the color of white gold more shiny and beautiful. Rodium is a metal material that has properties similar to platinum, including the white color. This is what often makes people misunderstand.
White gold color without rhodium layers will look more dull. While the appearance of white gold that has been polished rhodium will be very similar or even more brilliant than platinum. Even so, this rhodium layer over time will also fade. For that, white gold needs to be re-polished every 12-18 months.
For platinum, this is a white metal that when used to make jewelry, it does not need another mixture. This is different from the soft gold metal, platinum has a more dense and heavy properties, so if the platinum ring is worn, for example, it will feel heavier than the 18 karat gold ring.
Unlike white gold coated rhodium, platinum itself can give the impression sparkle. Therefore, the price of platinum is much more expensive, even for a platinum ring alone can be rewarded up to 2 times of 18 carat white gold.
Due to the high price of platinum, the investor is often called "white gold". But the true intent of white gold is different from the white gold as mentioned above.
White Gold Price Compared Yellow Gold
There is no fixed price which is more expensive if we want to know the comparison between the price of ordinary gold (yellow gold) with the price of white gold.Because true white gold is the same as ordinary gold, but the difference is both are mixtures that produce different colors of both types of gold.
Because gold is a soft precious metal, it is not uncommon to find 24 carat pure gold. Therefore gold jewelry is the result of a combination of precious metals with other materials, be it white gold or yellow gold.
In general, a mixture of copper or silver will produce yellow gold. While the mixture of nickel or palladium is larger, it will produce white gold. In addition, the other distinction between yellow gold and white gold is the above mentioned rhodium layer.
Well, that needs to be underlined is rodium is a precious metal that includes expensive price. When compared with gold, rodium prices can be 10 times the price of gold.
Rodium also includes difficult to process metals. Therefore, it is very rarely used as a jewelry making material. But because of its sheen, this metal is the best to coat white gold.
This causes the price of jewelry with white gold becomes more uncertain compared to ordinary gold (yellow gold).
If during this many people who love gold investment in the form of jewelry, then actually this form of investment is not very appropriate. Why?
Because the cost of the process of forming jewelry to make investment in the form of jewelry is not able to provide maximum returns. On the other hand, the rate of inflation is often a burden of the value of your investment.
For example, you buy a set of gold jewelry as a dowry at the time of marriage. So within 5 to 10 years later, the gold is sold to cover various needs. Well, the selling price you will receive as it is higher. And when compared with inflation, it will actually be the same as the purchase price at this time.
For that, having gold in jewelry can indeed be a protector of wealth, but not an investment asset that can grow rapidly in a short time.
Then, how the potential investment in white gold?
In accordance with the above description, the white gold is a mixture of yellow gold with other metals formed into jewelry. So, actually white gold is not a good investment type.Because the sale price of white gold could have fallen when compared with the purchase price. Moreover, if white gold is made with a mixture of rhodium, in which rhodium metal requires periodic maintenance. So of course the risk of white gold price down because it could have faded glare.
White gold, would be more suitable if you use as a heritage to posterity in the future as a symbol of eternal affection.
But if your goal is investment, which expects to get bigger profits, then white and yellow gold jewelry is not the right kind of investment like your expectations.
However, if you really want to invest in gold, then the answer is gold bullion. Because gold bars are precious metals that are still pure, there is no mixing of other metallic materials as occurs in gold jewelry.
But, interesting is that white gold as a platinum commodity. Each year always tends to rise in price. Even the medical and electronic world is in dire need of this platinum metal.
For that, platinum metals can be one of the investment instruments that will give big and more attractive returns than buying gold jewelry. Of course, the best investment for platinum metals is in the form of bars, not jewelry.
Choose Gold Bars for Investment, Not Gold Jewelry
Gold is often used as an option to invest. If this is your choice, then investment in gold bullion is the right choice, rather than gold jewelry. If you only want yellow gold or white gold for everyday use, there is nothing wrong to beautify themselves with the metal product.
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