
Do not do 8 things if you do not want to lose

Sellers have a variety of ways to captivate buyers. For example, publish a promo, discount, or sale program. When you find such a thing where the goods offered at a super cheap price, do not immediately tempted. If not careful, rather than sparingly, you will actually spend more money later.

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Life sparing is important to do, especially for those of you who wish to realize some things in the future or have a family. What are some things that you think will be profitable, are they harmful? Well, here are the things that should not be done because it can be harmful.

1. There is a Cheap Price Directly Interested to Shopping

Some people buy the product because of its price. The principle does not apply to every product required. For example, products that are used daily and in the long term, such as clothing, it is better to choose a quality to last even though the price is expensive.

Why buy things because they are cheap, but lead to damage in just a few times usage? This is what makes you so wasteful. If you want to save money with quality goods, buy a second item or pre-loved, but still worth using.

Legitimate buy goods because the price is cheap, but note in detail the goods. Whether its quality or not. Or make sure the item has a warranty so it is more secure.

2. Easy Earn Money for Discounts

When payday arrives, some people may also directly spend it in a shopping center or tourist location. At the same time, vendors open crazy super discounts to attract buyers, even up to 75%. Who is not tempted by it?

Definitely just buy without thinking whether the goods are useful or not. To avoid the temptation of discounts, the main item you should buy is daily or primary needs. Hang on from the temptations of discounts no matter how attractive the discounts are.

3. Frugality by Reducing Allocations to Pension Funds

Pension funds are a way of functioning as financial protection after retirement. Therefore, you need to allocate a few percent of income to pension funds. When thinking of reducing allocations for pension funds, you may need to rethink and remember how much risk is due to lack of allocations for pension funds.

Avoid redundant allocation of funds for pension funds. Because it could be you will eventually have to bear the cost of need after retirement later. To the extent that your pension fund was not enough to meet those needs.

4. Delay Performing Maintenance Periodically

Maintenance needs to be done regularly to support an asset's performance. For example, regular maintenance of motorcycles, cars, and even yourself.

Do not let you ignore this until the goods are damaged and cause you to spend large amounts of money. Make a monthly expenditure allocation for maintenance, both for yourself and the assets owned. Take advantage of your smartphone as a reminder.

5. Minimize Expenses

Minimizing spending is okay. However, this is not recommended for everyday needs, such as meals, transportation, and other important expenses. If you subsequently reduce your portion of food from the usual, maybe the bad effect is you just experience greater hunger and encourage you to eat out in order to satisfy yourself. As a result, spending is even greater than usual.

6. Reluctant to Use Credit Card

Some people prefer not to use credit cards to avoid additional expenses. This is true if you are a limited income. However, if you can allocate your income well and keep using your credit card by being on time to pay your bills, you may have the opportunity to enjoy various facilities, such as discounts, vouchers, promotions, etc. that might be useful someday.

7. Shop in Quantity

Frugality does not mean reducing the required portion of the product. For example, if you usually buy a jumbo-size product then switch by choosing the mini size. In fact, items with larger sizes are usually cheaper than small size and longer runs out. In addition to saving on product expenditures, purchasing products with large sizes at once can make you save fuel for transportation to the place of sale.

8. Not Paying attention to the Promotion that Ends

Promo is tempting and makes you want to try a product. There is no harm in it. However, think about how you will survive with the same product once the promo ends. For example, internet quotas, body care packages, and so on. Instead, set aside more funds if you want to exist with the same product.

Save Sure

Frugality is necessary, but it saves reasonably. As has been previously reviewed, if you want to save money, make thrift carefully. Do not be too pressing spending that will make you more extravagant later. Consider also the needs of what you will save for expenditure more orderly.

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