
Classics, How To Marketing Here Still Stay Powerful Consumer Nets

Marketing is a business strategy in selling products. In order for the product sold to increase from year to year, the marketing strategy applied should also be okay. In the present era, marketing is at the heart of a business. Without good marketing, it is impossible to sell products to consumers. The turnover of goods will not happen if the marketing department is inhibited. Although the era has changed, marketing techniques used do not have to use sophisticated ways. You as a businessman are allowed to keep using the classical way. In fact, the classical way is considered more powerful to market the product than the modern way.

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What kind of classic style marketing is still a trend today? Here are the points. 

1.Marketing Face to Face 
Marketing face to face or face-to-face may be outdated because online product marketing is considered more effective, efficient and easy. However, marketing by visiting customers is very effective. As a seller, we can show goods to consumers. They can also see what kind of quality items are sold. That way, there is no disappointment when the product has been purchased. 

2. Serve with Whole Seller 
Sellers should always be patient in the face of consumers. The questions consumers ask should be answered wholeheartedly. No matter how many questions, try to provide a detailed explanation so that consumers do not repeatedly ask the same thing. When marketing a product, the seller often finds a fussy prospect and lots of questions. However, it remains served wholeheartedly yes. Remember, "buyer is king". Without a buyer, it is impossible for a business to run smoothly. 

3.Giving Free Discounts 
Which consumers are not tempted by the name of the discount? Discounts should only be given when consumers buy in large quantities. Can also when the purchase has reached the minimum limit. For example, purchase of $ 20 will get a discount of $ 7, apply multiples. With the provision of discounts like this, guaranteed consumers will definitely glance at the business that we run.

4.Branding Product 
Branding products are also very important. The goal is to introduce the products we sell to the public. As a result, people's insight is broader about what we sell. They also know more full specifications of the goods. When doing branding, the business must also explain what are the differences between the product with other products. The existence of uniqueness in a product makes the product sell quickly. 

5. Packaging Products 
An attractive product package is often found on online merchandise. Starting from the plastic wrap, box, until the merchandise that reads the logo of the e-commerce concerned. Contrary to face to face marketing is usually just wrapped in plain black plastic. In order to run the business look more classy, ​​start to package the product in such a way. Attractive packaging will increase buyer's enthusiasm for goods sold. That way, the goods become fast behavior. 

6. Personal Approach 
There are many ways to approach consumers personally. For example, assessing the service, providing like, quiz, voucher, also notify consumers related to new goods sold. The existence of personal relationships make the proximity between the seller and the buyer increases. That way, buyers often feel more comfortable. The buyer's confidence will also increase as there is a close relationship between the two.

7. Rapid Responsive 
Rapid response is a method of service to increase the sense of consumer confidence in the seller. It would be nice if the questions asked consumers reply quickly. Even if the seller can not answer, tell the consumer to be willing to wait for the expected answer. 

8.Show Items Directly to Consumers 
These tips apply when selling products offline. By showing the goods directly, buyers can see the quality of the goods purchased. He can also see the item in detail without doubting the shape and quality. If the business is run based online shop, try to show a real or real picture so that buyers do not feel cheated when the goods reached his hands. 

Classic Style Can Not Be Left 

Even though times have changed, classical marketing methods should not be abandoned. Remember, modern marketing that exists today is the result of the evolution of classical marketing. If you prefer, both methods should be combined to improve effectiveness.

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