
Tips to earn money from Online Games

Try to express what's on your mind if you hear these two words, "Online Game?". Waste of time, declining learning achievement, lack of socialization and worse is to spend a lot of money and even can cause huge debt. Is not it?

However, you must know that from everything we do there is a negative and positive side. What has been mentioned before is a commonly spoken negative impact on online gaming. Well, behind it there are positive side that is very beneficial for you and your family, such as reducing stress, improve motor skills, and with online games you can make money up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per day.

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If only in a day you can make money $ 10 / hari, meaning in 30 days or a month you have pocketed money of $ 300. That is a big enough result if you make online games for side work as additional money.

However, to earn a large income of course need the process and expertise that you must understand when cultivating online games. The higher your skill, the higher the income you earn.

Know the Online Game Types

If you are interested in plunging into online games to serve as a side job, do not be in a hurry. Instead, you find out first what types of online games that can make money. Here are some of the most used online games gamers to earn money.

1. DOTA 2

DOTA 2 is the latest version of DOTA. In both are not much different, only the visuals shown on DOTA 2 are better and have easier item purchasing system.

DOTA or Defense of the Ancient is a war game between two mutually hostile camps. Each camp has a useful base to hide, create items and revive a dead whiz.

In addition, each will also be given five heroes or heroes to attack each other and defend their respective territories. For the territory destroyed by the opponent, he loses.

How to play is easy enough, the first time you have to choose 5 hero and the desired mode. Then, you are required to purchase items to fill the war equipment. However, in the selection of heroes and purchases the item has a specified time limit. So you have to move quickly and precisely.

Once done, then you are ready for war and destroy the opponent's headquarters. In the game take place, do not be unaware to add level hero, make a good item and fit the hero, get a lot of gold and destroy the enemy team.

2. Mobile Legends

This game is the same as DOTA, starting from the 5 heroes to the game system. It's just Mobile Legends developed and designed specifically for Android-based mobile phone users.

Both teams fight each other and fight to win the mission, namely destroying the base of the opponent. In addition, every team that fights must also be compact in maintaining its territory. Therefore, this must have a strong strategy.

3. Vainglory

Vainglory is the same online game as DOTA and Mobile Legends The fun of this online game genre, MOBA or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. The game system is also the same ie, there are two teams each team has 3 heroes to fight to destroy the opponent's headquarters and each team must also maintain its headquarters.

So, every team must have strong skill and strategy to win this game. Well, the difference in this Vainglory game can be played on Android and iOS devices developed by Super Evil Mega Corp.

4. RF Online

RF Online or Rising Force Online is a type of MMORPG or Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game game issued by PT. Lyto. This online game has a unique concept, a combined nuance of fantasy and future wrapped in 3D graphics, thus making the game memorable.

The system in this game is a conflict between 3 nations to seize valuable resources in the form of a mine to prosper the nation. Well, before players have to choose one of 3 nations, including Accretia Empire, Bellato Union, and Holy Alliance Cora. Of course, every nation has its own expertise or superiority.

In addition, this game is also required to fight to conquer the entire universe that became the main mission. To win its mission, every nation has strong and compact leaders and people in strategizing. It should also be supported with increasing levels and items. The higher the level and the items used, the stronger and better the nation.

How to Make Money

Who says if playing online games only spend money alone, the proof there are some people who earn a lot of money to millions in a day from online games. Here are some ways you can do to earn money from online games.

1. RMT
Real Money Trading or commonly called RMT is the term most used gamers to earn money. That is, the players make buying and selling using real money. Well, the goods are often traded is virtual money in the game, items, equip and so on.

Usually the goods obtained have a price that varies depending on sophistication, scarcity and market price of the goods. The more sophisticated and rare the goods obtained then the price is also more expensive.

The price offered is not arbitrary, ranging from tens of thousands to millions, and some even reach tens of millions of rupiah. As a proof, here are some items that have fantastic prices, such as DOTA 2 there are High End Legacy Couriers for $ 6000 - $ 12000 and RF Online there is equip which is priced at $ 3850.

2. Jockey Services
Jockey is also one way to earn money from online games that many do. Usually the owner of an online gaming character who has a busy time, does not have time to play or just want instant results, then the owner will use the services of jockeys to play his character.

Each jockey has a price that varies, ranging from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions. The price offered must depend on the request of the character owner such as the desired level increase, the selected job, the facility, and the time of the process.

3. Youtuber Gamer
If you are a true gamer and already feel professional, there's nothing wrong if you share your experience through YouTube Channel. Starting from tips and tricks while playing, or while fighting. Surely other gamers will be interested to see your skills in playing games online and you will get the coffers that are not few in number from You Tube.

4. Game Trial
A game company will test a new game or develop it by paying professional gamers. That is, the gamers selected must have experience and expertise high in the gaming world.

The average game tester will be paid $ 38,500 / year. With great revenue, of course, is comparable to the task given, such as having to find damage or bugs in the game, to comment on the weakness in detail and so on.

However, this game tester has not been valid in Indonesia but has become a consideration because of the increasingly sophisticated technological developments of course the need for new games continues to grow. That is, game tester will become an indispensable profession for the gaming industry.

Find Lots of Information and Choose the Right One

Are you interested in becoming a gamer who has a lot of income? If interested, you should seek information in advance via the internet or ask a friend or relative who has experienced in the world of online gaming. In addition, you can also view video games via You Tube. Because much you have to know and understand about online games, ranging from the type, how to play, skills needed and so on.

Although in the end, you yourself will determine what online games will be played. Choose the right online game and match your passion. Take advantage of credit cards in the purchase of vouchers, diamonds, or ice games to support the online game characters you play the better. So it makes it easier for you to earn income quickly. Stay focused and do not get bored quickly to get fantastic results.

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