
Top Profession in the Most Profitable Financial Services Industry

Who does not know the financial services industry, this industry is very famous and almost everyone knows. Industry that is closely related to calculation and finance makes everyone interested to learn it. Almost every country has its own financial system to manage the state's treasury. As in Indonesia, the financial services industry has also established regulations to regulate the running of the financial industry. One of them is regulation number 62 year 1992 about business sectors of company of spouse company from venture capital company. The existing regulations are in place to safeguard and regulate the financial services industry in order to have clear operational guidance.

Top Profession in the Most Profitable Financial Services Industry

In the financial services industry of course we are very familiar with what it is financial services, worthy of other jobs industries such as education industry we know teachers, lecturers, tutors etc. Understanding financial services in general is a term that refers to a service provided by the financial industry sector. Financial services may be in the form of individuals or organizations such as bank fundraising examples, investment funds, insurance companies, and credit card companies. In Indonesia itself there is an agency authorized to make arrangements, supervision and investigation to the overall activities in the field of financial services namely OJK or financial services authority.

In the financial services industry there are several related professions. There are several professions that run in the financial services industry, for those of you who want to continue to study in the field of perkenomian or want to work in the financial services industry you may be curious what the profession. So on this occasion we will discuss what professions are in the financial services industry.

Accounting Profession

The existing profession in the financial services industry is the accounting profession. Accounting Profession is a position that gives a person responsibility in producing financial statements and accountant information of a company. The principal duty of an accountant is to carry out the bookkeeping of all transactions in the form of a systematic report and to report to related parties for other purposes.

In making a report carried out systematically that is by describing regularly and logically and all reports carried out in detail and includes a series of causation associated with the object. Dizaman now seems to be a profession of accountants grow rapidly, judging by the increase of education that presents accounting science and interest in the field of study is quite desirable.

Auditor Profession

The next profession related to the services of the financial industry is the auditor, in the world of auditors work is known to be divided into 2 parts, namely internal auditors and external auditors. In general, the objectives of both internal and external auditors are almost the same as conducting supervision, checking and auditing to ensure that the company's management is performing on the basis of an effective, efficient and economical standard.

Elain's auditor profession will provide reports on the findings and analysis they get and provide a message or suggestion if found a mistake in the company's management. In the present, the auditor profession also has a very important role especially for companies that already have many branches and many operational areas. Because in general every company must have a certain operational standards so that the auditor will facilitate the company in managing the course of the business in order to achieve the target of the company.

Profession of Public Accountant

The next profession is the profession of public accountant, what is a public accountant? Surely you are all familiar with this one profession. Public accounting profession is a field of work that requires to the expert in the field of accounting. In general his public accountant is also known as an external accountant. The role of public accountant / external accountant is very important as an independent accountant workforce to conduct supervision and audit of a company on a certain payment basis according to the agreement between both parties.

Generally public accountants have established their own offices as public / external accountants and offer their services to their clients. Someone who becomes a public accountant is someone ya g working at a public accounting firm or often called KAP. The presence of KAP is very helpful as a profession in the financial services industry because with the supervision of external parties will provide more qualified neutrality for the company in overseeing the management of the company.

In establishing a company public accounting firm is also not arbitrary, the party must get permission from the finance department after getting permission then they can run their business. In addition to supervising a public accountant may also conduct audits or conduct inspection and management consulting services.

Appraisal or Appraisal Profession

The next profession is appraisal or known as appraiser, appraisal is a position or a party that will determine and assess the course of an existing financial services company or asset. The assessment team will not only have a positive impact on the company but also have a positive impact on consumers or related clients. It can maintain consumer confidence with the appraisal appraiser's appraisal appraiser and can give a true picture of the company so indirectly the assessments given can also have a positive impact for the company and the consumer.

The main point of apraisal work is to observe and evaluate an object whether it is a government asset or a private company. This one profession now seems quite popular because it has a career path as well as good career opportunities of the workers. This profession is also very necessary and offers a fairly decent salary.

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