
5 Examples of Basic Chemical Industry in the World

There are many types of industries that can be found around us where one of them is basic chemical industry. Although this industry sounds familiar to many, but the basic chemical industry sample can easily be found around us. So what exactly is the basic chemistry industry?

5 Examples of Basic Chemical Industry in the World

Industry in general is an activity that became the basis of cultural, economic, and even a country's politics. That is why every country sometimes like to compete in developing their own country by building various industries.

As mentioned earlier, the industry is the basis of economic activity because the industry is able to produce raw materials from the existing types of business materials. That is why to become a developed country, one of the sectors that should be prioritized first one of them is the industrial sector.

Indonesia is one of the countries with abundant natural wealth, including countries that have a variety of industries where some of them are industries owned by multinational companies. Some industries in Indonesia are food industry, textile industry, wood processing industry, and also basic chemical industry.

Basic chemical industries include industry samples that are important enough to be owned by each country. This is because basic chemical industries produce basic raw materials for the production of chemical products that are needed in everyday life. And some examples of basic chemical industries are:

1. Polyethylene

Polyethylene is one example of the basic chemical industry most easily encountered in everyday life because of the increasing level of needs. Polyethylene or commonly known as plastic bags including industry is quite vital because it is needed by the community. This is why sometimes these basic chemical industry examples have the characteristic of a manufacturing company. In the polymer industry, usually polyethylene is a basic chemical goods written with the acronym PE.

Manufacturing companies are an important part of the industry because it is able to produce products in the form of finished goods that can be directly marketed. Within a year, manufacturing companies can produce very large quantities of polyethylene, about 80 million metric tons.

2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

Polyvinyl Chloride or commonly known as PVC is an example of other basic chemical industries. PVC is a Thermoplastic Polymer which occupies the third position in worldwide usage after polyethylene.

As we know, PVC is a much needed item in a construction. PVC is commonly used in the manufacture of buildings or other buildings in many countries including countries that embrace the capitalist economic system. The difference is that in the capitalist state, the basic chemical industry PVC is owned and managed by private parties. Due to the increasing number of requests, the profits earned by itupun even greater.

Not only used for construction purposes, PVC which has flexible properties is also commonly used as the basic material of clothing, roofing, piping, or electrical cable insulation. In the manufacture of clothing, PVC is commonly used to make skin-like and waterproof materials. This is what makes PVC can also be used as a basic material of making a suit, bag, and also coat.

3. Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene includes examples of other basic chemical industries. Polypropylene is commonly known as Thermo Plastic Polymer or PP including basic chemical types that are widely used for household needs. Some of the equipments that use PP as their basic materials are textiles, loudspeakers, stationery, and other materials made of plastic. PP is an example of basic chemical industry that can be recycled with symbol number 5.

In its history, PP was found 2 times. First, 1951, PP was discovered in Germany by Dr.Karl Rehn. Only then did Dr.Karl not know the function of the PP until finally found again in 1954 by Giulio Natta. Giulio believes that PP includes invaluable and highly valuable findings at a more affordable price because it is cheaper when compared to polyethylene even in imperfectly competitive markets.

In everyday life, PP is used for laboratory or medical purposes because it is believed to be able to withstand the heat from the autoclave. Because of this heat resistance then PP is also commonly used as a basic material for making kettle or kettle.

4. Polystyrene (PS)

The next basic chemical industry example is Polystyrene or commonly known as PS which is used as the basic material of children's toys. PS itself is a combination of polymer and styrene monomer which is a material made from liquid hydrocarbons made from petroleum.

PS was made for the first time in Germany in 1839 by Eduard Simon who was a pharmacist. Only, when doing isolation from natural resin, Eduard did not realize what he had actually found. This important discovery was noticed by Hermann Staudinger, who is an organic chemist: that Eduard's discovery consists of long chains of molecular siren which is a plastic polymer.

One of the characteristics of PS that can differentiate it from other polymers is colorless, hard, and with very limited flexibility so that it can be easily formed to become a variety of products that have good detail.

In addition, PS has other characteristics attached to it. As:

  • Flammable,
  • Can only work at low or cold temperatures,
  • Including brittle materials,
  • Waterproof, and 
  • Not suitable if used for outdoor.

5. Synthetic Fibers

Examples of basic chemical industries hereinafter are synthetic fibers such as polyester, acrylic fiber, and also nylon.

Polyesters include natural chemicals such as kutin from plant skin. It's just that polyester that can be used as a lot of cloth is not natural when compared with cloth made from other natural fibers such as cotton. However, although such polyesters have other advantages that other natural fibers do not possess such as endurance levels of various wrinkles.

Different from polyesters, ordinary acrylic fibers are produced by two methods of estrusi or basic method of spinning: wet and dry. The usual dry estrusion method uses a solvent which is then vaporized to dryness and cut, if desired, to become the principal. While the wet method of estrusion, the rotating solution is then extruded into the tub to form the filture taken, then dried, and then processed.

An example of later synthetic fibers is nylon which is used for fabrics and ropes. Not only that, solid nylon is usually also used for other industrial materials in the field of mechanical and engineering.

Example of basic chemical industry is an industry that is very important because it can improve the function of foreign exchange for the benefits provided by it. That is why sometimes the basic chemical industry activities can not be separated from the role of the prevailing monetary policy. May be useful.

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